

Anniken Huitfeldtv2

Anniken Huitfeldt

Anniken Huitfeldt, member of the labour party, was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs on 14 October 2021. 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for Norwegian foreign policy, the promotion of Norway’s interests internationally and the foreign service, which includes more than 100 embassies, permanent missions and delegations, and consulates general.


Sandrine Dixson Decleve Profile Pic

Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Sandrine Dixson-Decleve is Co-President of the Club of Rome and divides her time between leading the Club of Rome, advising, lecturing, and facilitating difficult conversations.She currently Chairs the European Commission, Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation (ESIR) and sits on the European Commissions Mission on Climate Change & Adaptation.

Raja Mohan Profile Pic 2023

C. Raja Mohan

Prof. C. Raja Mohan is a Senior Fellow with the Asia Society Policy Institute in New Delhi. Professor Mohan is one of India’s leading commentators on India’s foreign policy.

Maryna Saprikina 1

Maryna Saprykina

Maryna Saprykina, Chairwoman for CSR Ukraine, a non-profit organization in Ukraine. She's a certified expert in sustainability. 

Vidar Helgesen V2 Profile Pic 2023

Vidar Helgesen

Vidar Helgesen is Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation.  A lawyer, diplomat, politician (H) and  a former minister. 

Georg Riekeles Profile Pic

Georg E. Riekeles

Georg E. Riekeles is Associate Director at the Brussels-based think tank European Policy Centre (EPC). Prior to joining the EPC, he spent eleven years in the European Commission, the last five as diplomatic adviser with responsibilities for strategy in the EU-UK Brexit negotiations. He has also worked on trade, digital and single market polices, as well as security and defence issues, in the Commission’s in-house think tank and policy planning unit and as adviser to the Commission Vice-President for Internal market. He also has EU policy experience from the French Ministry of Foreign affairs and other government departments.

Sofie Hohestol 2

Sofie Høgestøl

Sofie Høgestøl, an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Oslo, USA expert and a Deputy Memeber of Parliament.