Kristin Skogen Lund

Kristin Skogen Lund – CEO at the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)

Kristin Skogen Lund is a former CEO at Telenor, CEO at Aftenposten, CEO at Scanpix Scandinavia, and CEO and editor at the web portal Scandinavia Online. 

Skogen Lund had international leading positions in Unilever and Coca-Cola, and she was an Export Scholarship at the Norwegian Embassy in Madrid. Skogen Lund is a board member at Ericsson, former President at NHO and a board member at Orkla ASA. Furthermore, she has a MBA from INSEAD and a Bachelors Degree in International Studies and Business Administration from the University of Oregon.


Kristin Skogen Lund will participate along with Lars Petter Maltby, Tom Fidjeland and Hans Christian Gabrielsen in the panel discussion “Sustainability and challenges and opportunities for Norwegian business”.