Sony Kapoor

Sony Kapoor – Director of the International Think Tank Re-Define

Sony Kapoor, Director of the International Think Tank Re-Define, is an influential economist, financial sector expert and development practitioner.

Sony’s career uniquely spans investment banking, civil society, academia and policy making across several countries. At Re-Define, Sony advises several European governments, developing economies, the European Union and multilateral institutions on Economic Strategy and Policy. Sony also has a multidisciplinary role at the London School of Economics where he is the Strategy Adviser to the Systemic Risk Centre, a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Development Department and a Visiting Fellow at the Government Department.

Sony is presently an adviser to the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s Council on the Euro crisis alongside George Soros and a Commissioner on the Single Market for the Centre for European Reform together with Martin Wolf. He is also member of the Friends of Europe High Level Commission on Social Europe along with Pascal Lamy and an expert for the OECD Committee on Development Finance along with Justin Lin. In addition, Sony judges the European Finance Minister of the Year contest for the Financial Times.

Sony chaired the Banking Stakeholder Group at the European Banking Authority, the pan-EU banking regulator, until 2013. He was a Visiting Fellow at the European Commission, an Expert Adviser to the European Parliament and a Visiting Scholar at the International Monetary Fund focusing mostly on crisis management, economic governance and financial sector reform.


Sony Kapoor's talk: ”What next for the global financial system?”