Ine Eriksen Søreide

Born in Lørenskog, from 1995 Eriksen Søreide studied law at the University of Tromsø, while at university she joined the Conservative Party and got involved in local politics. In 2000 she became a member of the Conservative Party Central Executive Committee and Chairman of the Young Conservatives of Norway.

Nicolai Tangen2020
Nicolai Tangen

Tangen was previously Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer in AKO Capital, which he founded in 2005. He also set up the AKO Foundation in 2013, which supports charitable initiatives to improve education, promote the arts and mitigate climate problems. Prior to this, Tangen was a partner and senior analyst at Egerton Capital and an equity analyst at Cazenove & Co.

Tangen holds a Bachelor’s Degree in finance from the Wharton School and Master’s Degrees in the History of Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art and in Social Psychology from the London School of Economics. He has also studied Russian at the Norwegian Armed Forces’ School of Intelligence and Security.

Tom Tugendhat1
Tom Tugendhat

Tugendhat studied Theology at the University of Bristol, before doing a Masters in Islamic studies at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and learning Arabic in Yemen.

In 2017, Tugendhat was elected chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, becoming the youngest person ever to hold the post. Under Tugendhat's chairmanship the Foreign Affairs Committee has focused on British foreign policy after Brexit, foreign asset stripping in the UK, COP26, the situation in Xinjiang and the impact of new and emerging technologies on foreign policy.

Hilde Merete Aasheim

Aasheim joined Hydro in October 2005 as Executive Vice President for Leadership and Culture (human resources, health, environment, safety and corporate social responsibility). In January 2007, she stepped out of Hydro’s corporate management board to lead the planning of the integration between Hydro’s oil and gas activities and Statoil. When the merger closed in October 2007, she became executive vice president of staff functions and corporate services in StatoilHydro. From 1986 to 2005 she held several senior positions in Elkem. In 2002 she was head of Elkem's Silicon division and member of the corporate management board. From 2015 she became the chairperson in the Federation of Norwegian Industries (Norsk Industri) and she also held the chair in the global association International Aluminium Institute. Aasheim has a master's degree in business economics from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen and is also a state authorized public accountant. Aasheim has also work experience from Arthur Andersen & Co.

Ooyvind Eriksen
Øyvind Eriksen

He joined the law firm BA-HR in 1990, where he became a partner in 1996 and director/chairman from 2003. Mr. Eriksen has held several board positions in different industries, including shipping, finance, asset management, offshore drilling, fisheries, media, trade and industry.

As CEO Mr. Eriksen is currently chairman of the board in Aker BP ASA, , Cognite AS, Aker Capital AS, Aker Horizons AS, C4IR Ocean and REV Ocean Inc. He is also a director of several companies, including Aker Solutions ASA, Aker Energy AS, Aker Carbon Capture AS, Mainstream Renewable Power, The Resource Group TRG AS, TRG Holding AS, The Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen), and a member of World Economic Forum C4IR Global Network Advisory Board

Jon Gunnar Pedersen

He served as political adviser to minister of state Kristin Clemet 1989–1990, adviser to the Conservative Party 1990–1994 and state secretary in the Ministry of Finance 2013–2015.  Pedersen has worked in investment banking since 1994, and is a founding partner in Arctic Securities, a leading, independent provider of financial services, since 2007. He recently chaired a government appointed commission that assessed Norway’s post-pandemic economy (‘Norway towards 2025’)

Bjørn Otto Sverdrup

Sverdrup was until recently Equinor’s Senior Vice President for Corporate Sustainability and member of the management committee in the Global Strategy and Business Development business area. He has led the company’s efforts to develop climate roadmaps in recent years. During this period Equinor established the ambition to have carbon neutral operations, to reduce its absolute emission in Norway to near zero and to become a net zero company. Sverdrup has extensive leadership experience in Equinor since 2007 and member of several of Equinor’s top Management Committees. Following the 2011 terrorist attacks in Norway, Sverdrup served as chief of staff for the government-appointed 22. July commission. Sverdrup also served at The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) as advisor and National expert to the EU Commission on corporate social responsibility. Sverdrup is a board member of NTNU. Sverdrup is a political scientist and former research fellow from the University of Oslo.