Selmer Bringsfjord

Professor Selmer Bringsjord, Director of Rensselaer AI & Reasoning Lab

Selmer Bringsjord specializes in the logico-mathematical and philosophical foundations of artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive science (CogSci), in collaboratively building AI systems/robots on the basis (primarily) of computational logic, and in the logic-based and theorem-guided modeling and simulation of rational, human-level-and-above cognition. Work in these areas has been expressed e.g. in over 280 refereed papers/chapters, 6 books, pursued as an investigator in sponsored-research awards of over $28M, and communicated/debated in person on 6 continents and 33 countries. Though Bringsjord spends considerable engineering time in pursuit of ever-smarter computing machines for his much-appreciated sponsors, he claims that “armchair” reasoning time has enabled him to deduce that the human mind will forever be superior to such machines.