Global Outlook - co-operation or conflict in the 2020s?

For the seventh year running, Global Outlook Norway gathers eminent speakers to give a global perspective on international affairs and business trends.

The world has changed a lot since we started to plan the 2020 edition of Global Outlook. The conference has always been related to Arendalsuka, a week of societal and political debate in Arendal. Arendalsuka is however cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions, but the conference is more topical than ever before.

So, the Global Outlook partners University of Agder, GCE NODE, Gard and Eyde Cluster plan for a different conference, in which we combine a physical and a digital presence. 

Emerging trends in global politics and business for the coming decade are increasingly visible as Covid-19 lock-downs end and attempts at economic recovery are made. China’s ascent as a superpower is further bolstered, while the US’s role as a global leader is weakened. Relations between the two countries remain tense.

This event takes stock of the two countries’ relations post-Covid 19 and explores the likelihood of enhanced cooperation versus intensifying conflict in global politics. We discuss the future of global trade and the extent to which tensions in global politics may derail upcoming climate negotiations and the broader sustainability agenda.


Moderator:  Anita Pratap

Confirmed speakers:

  • Ine Eriksen Søreide, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Edward Luce, Author and Journalist, Financial Times
  • Andreas Sohmen Pao, Chairman BW Group, Singapore
  • Dr. Yu Jie, Senior Research Fel­low on China in the Asia-Pacific Pro­gram at Chatham House
  • Angels Orduña, Executive Director - ‎SPIRE2030


Panel discussion with:

  • Liv Monica Stubholt, Corporate lawyer and partner in the law firm Selmer. 
  • Dr Stina Torjesen, Associate Professor, School of Business and Law, University of Agder
  • Helge Aasen, Chairman Eyde Cluster
  • Rolf Thore Roppestad, CEO Gard 



Session Theme Who
Session 1 Welcome Anita Pratap
Session 1 "A Norwegian Outlook: Cooperation or conflict in the 2020s?" Ine Eriksen Søreide
Session 1 "How the pandemic is accelerating our geopolitical future: the USA - China relationship" Edward Luce
Session 1 "A self reliant China: what to expect in the 2020s" Dr Yu Jie
Session 1 Panel discussion & QA Edward Luce, Dr Yu Jie,
Stina Torjesen and Helge Aasen
Session 2 "Global trade in the 2020s: key trends" Andreas Sohmen-Pao
Session 2 "An industry perspective on the EU Green Deal" Àngels Orduña
Session 2 Panel discussion & QA Andreas Sohmen-Pao, Àngels Orduña,
Liv Monica Stubholt and Rolf Thore Roppestad
Session 2 Summary and goodbye Anita Pratap


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Welcome to Global Outlook 2020!



Monday 10 August at 13:00 - 15:00 CET


Link to Live stream

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